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Loved the game! So much fun to play through!

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is incredible, changed my perspective on life. First time playing a dating sim, and my first time using the course of my life has changed. Never before have I related to a fictional character this hard.


same, it’s scary how much i relate to just the surface level stuff, and then there’s the bit about regretting getting rid of things you have memories of and that’s always been such a hard thing for me to deal with :(


Really liked the game and for a free release I really enjoyed it. I would love to see this expanded on in the steam release.

Cute gaaame. There’s more planned? Good, amazing. I would like more cute Kara writing. And CGs.

Shout outs to cousin. Cool guy.


man, this game was amazing 10/10!!!. when is it going to release on steam??

 based lol


she is actually me 




NEAT, but too short

i will try it why not (:




I wish she were real, she's so cool T_T 

but also Koji arc when


She's perfect


for the love of god PLAY THIS GAME

(1 edit)


I can tell I'm going to love this game very much.




Wish this game page had more of the game art, the characters are pretty cool looking. I also really like the music and the sound in the game :) 

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Often feels like a bunch of 'haha curse words' and 4**** buzz words.  "haha FED", "Based", "Schizo!!!" just 

coming from a hiki neet

(1 edit) (+3)

yes i was hyped for this but so far it seems like it's just a reference fest. like zOMG GUYS BLAHAJ! ZOMG LOOK SHE'S A /K/ USER! WAGIE SONG! GLOW IN THE DARK!

dismiss yourself is cool though and i am unfortunately just like kara

ok edit this game is sweet so everything i said is negated


I was going to play this game but not sure now.  I really like your comment on the game!


Oh man I think I'm Kara

(1 edit) (+4)

This is really impressive! I've been on dates a little like this, and it brought back fond memories. 

Thanks for making it free, btw!


Quality game. very cute. Wish the best for Kara.

it has a page on backloggd!


Good fking job dude for real


clockwork supports nazis btw


Playing this game in my messy disaster of a room with my modded PSP, Blåhaj and a golfish bag all in my peripheral vision was surreal lol, really loved it!


i want to marry her


Autistic tgirl here in close proximity to hikki neet culture, i just wanted to say !!! This felt SO real. Felt very much like talking to people i know and how they type or act in general or about their struggles, which was a total blast. Extremely cute game too. TYSM for this incredible piece. 

Im looking forward a whole lot for the steam ver!! awesome start to gamedev!


A shame how short the main path is. Any plans on expanding on it?


Yep! I’ll be expanding on it for the steam release. It’ll be a bit though.


Thats great! Really enjoyed it tbh, cant wait


chicken nuggies


I want to know if it's possible to port it on Android because I love your work and love the premise of the game but I don't have anything to download it on

sweet story


We all need a Kara in our life after playing this lovely game 10/10


This story feel unique, it's sweet and a bit messy. Would like to see more c:



Great game! Been replaying for almost 20 times I guess lol
I need that console modding route!


10/10 GOTY

spooked me how much kara is like my ex


Well, whats her @?


i love you kara


First run was fun so far, looking forward to playing a few more times. Art, music, and dialog were all good.

I echo what someone else said, a Linux build would be great for those on Linux but, the game is totally playable on Wine so not a huge deal.

Looking forward to more Kara content in the coming year :)

(1 edit) (+3)

I’ll put up a linux build, my only disclaimer is that I don’t have a linux machine to test it on!


Thanks, I’m sure any of the Linux players would be happy to test. I’ll keep a look out or, feel free to ping and I’ll try it.

It would mean I would have to play again, what a shame :P


unbelievably excited to see what's in store :0


console modding is not boring, 0/10 can't relate to mc
Just kidding, this was surprisingly heartwarming. It kinda made me want to do my own dating sim with my OC. 11/10

Also, you could release a Linux build! Since it's made in Ren'Py it shouldn't be too hard (in fact that's just what I did to play it myself!)


Amazing. Defiantly buying when its released!

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